
Westside law firm has been recognized by leading Russian and international ratings, such as Pravo 300, IFLR 1000, Legal 500, etc.

Pravo.ru 2024 Westside Law Firm is rated by Pravo.ru in 2024 in 7 categories, namely:
- Tier II in labor and migration law;
- Tier III in arbitration proceedings (medium and small commercial disputes: mid market);
- Tier III in cross-border trade / customs law and currency regulation;
- Tier III in compliance;
- Tier III in corporate law / mergers and acquisitions (mid market);
- Tier IV in retail, FMCG, catering;
- Tier IV in private capital management.
Pravo.ru 2023 Westside Law Firm is rated by Pravo.ru in 2023 in 8 categories, namely:
- III group in cross-border trade / customs law and currency regulation;
- III group in compliance;
- III group in corporate law / mergers and acquisitions (mid market);
- III group in retail, FMCG, catering;
- III group in labor and migration law;
- IV group in arbitration proceedings (medium and small commercial disputes: mid market);
- IV group in dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction;
- IV group in private capital management.
Pravo 2023 Westside Law Firm entered the III group of the federal rating of Russian law firms for dispute resolution in 2023.
Pravo litigation 23 In the Seventh Research of the Litigation Market 2023 by Pravo.ru Westside law firm entered the Tier 3 law firm rankings with 10 to 30 cases.
Kommersant 23 Westside Law Firm is ranked in annual research «Leaders of the Legal Services Market 2023» by Kommersant in categories:
"Best Legal Practices":
- Arbitration proceedings (resolution of commercial disputes: MID-MARKET) Band 2;
- Cross-border trade Band 1;
- Compliance Band 2;
- Corporate law (mergers and acquisitions of Russian assets of MID-MARKET) Band 2;
- Resolution of disputes in courts of general jurisdiction (disputes from property relations) Band 2;
- Labor and migration law (advising on labor and migration legislation) Band2.
"Best Industry Practices":
- Production and industry (resolution of key disputes in the industry) Band 2.
Sergey Vodolagin, Managing Partner of Westside Law Firm, was included in the "Individual Rating of Lawyers" in the categories "Cross-border trade", "Commercial Dispute Resolution", "Dispute Resolution in General Jurisdiction".
Natalya Vodolagina, partner at Westside Law Firm, was included in the Individual Rating of Lawyers in Compliance and Labor Law categories.
Forbes 2022 Westside Law Firm was ranked among the Leaders in the Forbes Club Legal Research 2022 rating in:
"Leaders" in the nomination:
- Real estate transactions/construction.
"Recommended Firms" in the nominations:
- Corporate structuring of personal assets;
- Structuring assets abroad;
- Resolving migration issues.
Pravo 22 Westside Law Firm is rated by Pravo.ru in 2022 in 7 categories, namely:
- II group in cross-border trade / customs law and currency regulation;
- III group in compliance;
- III group in dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction;
- III group in labor and migration law (including disputes);
- IV group in corporate law / mergers and acquisitions (mid market);
- IV group in private capital management;
- a recommended firm in arbitration.
Kommersant 22 Westside Law Firm is ranked in annual research «Leaders of the Legal Services Market 2022» by Kommersant in categories:
"Best Legal Practices":
- Cross-border trade;
- Mergers and acquisitions of MID-Market;
- Dispute Resolution in courts of general jurisdiction (disputes from property relations);
- Compliance;
- Labor and migration law (dispute resolution in the field of labor and migration legislation);
- Labor and migration law (consulting on labor and migration legislation).
"Best Industry Practices":
- Retail and trade, FMCG (resolution of key disputes in the retail and FMCG industries);
- TMT (telecommunications, media, technology; advising TMT industry leaders).
Sergey Vodolagin, Managing Partner of Westside Law Firm, was included in the "Individual Rating of Lawyers" in the "Cross-border trade" nomination.
Natalya Vodolagina, partner at Westside Law Firm, was included in the Individual Rating of Lawyers in Compliance and Labor Law categories.
Pravo.ru (Natalia Vodolagina) Natalia Vodolagina is recommended by Pravo.ru's annual individual rating of lawyers 2021 in the Labor and Migration Law (including disputes) nomination (Group II).
Forbes Club Legal Research 2021 Westside Law Firm was ranked among the Leaders in the Forbes Club Legal Research 2021 rating in the Corporate Structuring of Personal Assets Real Estate category.
Pravo.ru 2021 Westside Law Firm is rated by Pravo.ru in 2021 in 6 categories, namely:
- II group in labour and migration law practice;
- III group in Cross-border trade/Customs Law and Currency Regulation;
- III group in compliance practice;
- III group in dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction;
- II group in private banking.
Special nomination - Corporate Law/Mergers and Acquisitions (high market).
IFLR 1000 2021 Westside Law Firm was recommended in 2021 by The International Financial Law Review (IFLR 1000) in the practice area of “M&A” and «Restructuring and insolvency»
Best Lawyers 2022 Best Lawyers 2022 noted Sergey Vodolagin, the managing partner of Westside Law Firm, as one of the best Russian lawyers in Arbitration and Mediation, Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Corporate Law, Litigation and Natalia Vodolagina, the partner of Westside Law Firm, as one of the best Russian lawyers in Litigation and Labor and Employment Law.
The Legal 500 EMEA 2021 Westside Law Firm was included in the list of firms recommended by the authoritative international rating The Legal 500 2021 in the areas of Commercial Law, Corporate Law and M&A: Moscow and Dispute Resolution. Managing Partner Sergey Vodolagin and Senior Associate Mikhail Usikov were rated in the field of dispute resolution.
Kommersant 2021 Westside Law Firm is ranked in annual study «Leaders of the Legal Services Market 2021» by Kommersant in categories:
Best Legal Practices:
- Arbitration (Commercial Dispute Resolution: Mid-market) - Band 2;
- Resolution of disputes in courts of general jurisdiction (disputes from property relations) - Band 2;
- Labor and migration law (resolution of disputes in the field of labor and migration legislation) - Band 1;
- Compliance;
- Labor and migration law (advice on labor and migration law) - Band 1.
Best Industry Practices:
- Retail and trade, FMCG (resolution of key disputes in the retail and FMCG industries);
- TMT (telecommunications, media, technology; consulting industry leaders TMT) - Band 2.
Managing Partner of Westside Law Firm Sergey Vodolagin was included in the Individual Lawyers Rating according to the Kommersant in the Foreign Economic Activity category. Natalya Vodolagina, partner of Westside Law Firm, was included in the Individual Lawyers Rating according to the Kommersant in the Compliance and Labor Law nominations.
«Pravo.ru-300» 2020 Westside Law Firm is rated by Pravo.ru in 2020 in 6 categories, namely:
- II group in foreign economic activity/Customs law and Foreign exchange regulation;
- II group in compliance practice;
- III group in dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction;
- III group in labour and migration law practice;
- III group in private and public management practice;
- IV group in arbitration proceedings (MID MARKET).
Best Lawyers 2021 Best Lawyers 2021 noted Sergey Vodolagin, the managing partner of Westside Law Firm, as one of the best Russian lawyers in Arbitration and Mediation, Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Corporate Law, Litigation and Natalia Vodolagina, the partner of Westside Law Firm, as one of the best Russian lawyers in Litigation.
Pravo.ru Westside Law Firm was rated by Pravo.ru in best litigation lawyers report in 2020.
The Legal 500 EMEA 2020 Westside Law Firm was recommended by The Legal 500 EMEA 2020 in the practice area of “Commercial, corporate and M&A”
Kommersant Westside Law Firm is ranked in annual study «Best Law Practices», «Best Industry Practices» and in the rating «Leaders of the Legal Services Market 2020» by Kommersant in 6 categories:
- International Commercial Arbitration;
- Russian Arbitration: commercial dispute resolution (Mid-market);
- Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction: property disputes;
- Labour and migration law practice;
- Private equity;
- Compliance.
Managing partner of Westside Law Firm Sergey Vodolagin was included in the individual rating of lawyers in the category «Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction» according to the version of Kommersant.
Pravo.ru-300 Westside Law Firm is rated in 4 categories, namely:
- II group in compliance practice;
- III group in foreign economic activity/customs law and currency control practice;
- III group in labour and migration law practice;
- IV group in dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction.
IFLR 1000 2019 Westside Law Firm was recommended in 2019 by The International Financial Law Review (IFLR 1000) in the practice area of “M&A” and “Restructuring and insolvency”.
Best Lawyers 2019 Best Lawyers 2019 noted Sergey Vodolagin, the partner of Westside Law Firm, as one of the best Russian lawyers in the practice area of "Corporate Law"
Legal 500 EMEA 2019 Westside Law Firm was recommended by Legal 500 EMEA 2019 in the practice area of “Commercial, corporate and M&A”
Pravo.ru-300 2018 Pravo.ru portal included Westside Law Firm in the 3rd tier of the Russian litigation lawyers following the Russian litigation lawyers market research of the year 2018
Kommersant Westside Law Firm managing partner, Sergey Vodolagin, was included in individual lawyers’ rating in the practice area of “Commercial law” according to “Kommersant” edition
Legal 500 EMEA 2018 Westside Law Firm was recommended by Legal 500 EMEA 2018 in the practice area of “Commercial, corporate and M&A”
Best Lawyers 2018 Best Lawyers 2018 noted Sergey Vodolagin, the partner of Westside Law Firm, as one of the best Russian lawyers in the practice area of “Corporate Law”
IFLR 1000 2018 Westside Law Firm was recommended in 2018 by The International Financial Law Review (IFLR 1000) in the practice area of “M&A” and “Restructuring and insolvency”.
Chambers&Partners 2017 According to the results of the year 2017, Westside Law Firm was ranked by Chambers&Partners in the practice area of Corporate/M&A: Mid-market — Russia.