

Westside Law Firm was rated by litigation lawyers report

Information portal published the results of research of the litigation lawyers market and of its leaders. The list includes law firms leading in amounts of disputes, rate of cases won and amounts at stake.

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Westside Law Firm in Legal 500 EMEA ratings

International rankings of legal and financial firms Legal 500 EMEA is issued annually.

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Westside law firm has successfully protected interests of a German company in ICAC

“Stroygazconsulting” LLC filed a claim to the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (ICAC) to collect unjust enrichment from the German company TITAN INTERTRACTOR GmbH.

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Sergey Vodolagin quoted by Forbes

Forbes published an article “The laundry is closed. How the Russian money and Baltic banks lost each other”. The article covers the issue of closing of Baltic banks for Russian money. The above issue is as relevant as ever due to international situation which becomes more and more complicated.

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Westside team visited the cooking studio of “Donna Margarita” restaurant

On eve of season’s holidays Westside Law Firm team participated in a fascinating culinary master class in one of the restaurants of Arkadiy Novikov chain.

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Totals of the 9th Rating of the Russian law firms

The Rating provides guidance for legal services world for several
years already. The Pravo-300 Rating of the Russian law firms was announced on
the 5th December in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Moscow.

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