

Westside law firm was included in the national rating of litigators

The rating of litigators is held for the second time. 53 law firms participated, they provided information on 2,551 arbitration cases, in which they participated in 2017. Compared to the previous year, the number of companies increased more than twice, 80% more cases (not taking into account bankruptcy cases) have been reviewed. As a result, law firms were divided into five groups.

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Kaliningrad Region will be the first one to legalize parallel imports. Sergey Vodolagin quoted by

In Russia, disputes over parallel imports, i.e. the ability to import goods without the consent of the right holder, have been going on for many years. Supporters of its legalization say that such a measure will reduce prices and stimulate competition. Opponents insist that parallel imports will lead to the growth of counterfeit. Experiment in the Kaliningrad region: the governor Anton Alikhanov proposed to create for importers, first of all-drugs importers - a test site in the region, - can show who is right.

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Sergey Vodolagin, Westside law firm managing partner, spoke on April 17, 2018 at the VII All- Russian Conference "Modern Judicial Practice of Leasing"

On April 17, the VII All-Russian Conference "Modern Judicial Practice of Leasing" was held, organized by the Sub-committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on Leasing and Non-commercial partnership "LEASING UNION", where Vodolagin Sergey Vladimirovich made a presentation on the topic "Practice of International Commercial Arbitration in Leasing cases".

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The Usachevskiy market in Moscow was closed following a court decision. Sergey Vodolagin quoted by RBC

On Tuesday, April 24, bailiffs closed the Usachevskiy market in Moscow. According to the representative of the administration, the court earlier decided to close the market after a joint inspection of the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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Sergey Vodolagin, managing Partner of the Westside law firm, spoke at the annual legal forum organized by “Vedomosti” newspaper

On April 12-13 XIV Annual Legal Forum of Russia, organized by "Vedomosti" newspaper took place at "Marriott Royal Aurora" hotel.

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"Transneft" suspended negotiations with "Summa” on the Novorossiysk port. Sergey Vodolagin quoted by

Arrest of Magomedov brothers, co-owners of “Summa”, led to suspending of negotiations on the sale of the group's share in Novorossiysk commercial sea port (NCSP) to Transneft. The latter proposes to elect a representative of the state as a Chairman of NCSP supervisory board "in these circumstances". The port shares value fell on Tuesday at the Moscow stock exchange by 1.7%.

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