
Elena Vladimirovna Chirkova «How to evaluate business by analogy. Applied comparative figures of assessment of business.«(1-ed, Moscow: «Alpina Business Books» 2008.

Elena Vladimirovna Chirkova «How to evaluate business by analogy. Applied comparative figures of assessment of business.«(1-ed, Moscow: «Alpina Business Books» 2008.
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Sergey Vladimirovitch Vodolagin «On the periods in the arbitrazh procedure». Zakon [the Law] July, 6, 2004.

The article addresses the issue of duration of the periods in arbitrazh procedure and the consequences of lapse of the period.

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S. Vodolagin. Transition from State to Market Economy. The Russian Experiences with the protection of Private Property in the light of the European Property Protection Standards. In: Comparative Regional Integration. ASEAN and the EU. Bangkok, 2002

The article deals with the issues arising out due to the transition of Russia from the state governed economy to the market model of economy. In addition the article addresses the issue of protection of private property at the transitional period.

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S. Vodolagin «Protection of private property under Art. 1 of the Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms The role of the constitutional courts in protection of private property». (Moscow, 2002)

The Article provides a research in the application of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by the constitutional courts in Russia.

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«Court of European Communities. Selected Decisions». (Sergey. Vladimirovitch Vodolagin as a member of editorial board). (Moscow, Norma, 2002)

«Court of European Communities. Selected Decisions». (Sergey. Vladimirovitch Vodolagin as a member of editorial board). (Moscow, Norma, 2002)
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«Russia and International Law. Materials from scientific practical conference» (Sergey Vladimirovitch Vodolagin as member of the Editorial Board). (Moscow, 2001)

The book is an anthology of articles on various current issues of the EU Law.

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