

The East - Potential for Business

On December 5, in Warsaw the Conference for the discussion of issues relating to the entry of Polish investors into Eastern Market was held. Polish Investment and Trade Agency and the Polish law firm DZP hosted the conference.

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Lawyers of Westside Law Firm took part in the seminar held Center

On November 20 took place the seminar under the auspices of the Moscow Export Center (MEC). The topic of the seminar was “Overcoming barriers to export: certification issues, customs processing and mitigation of contract risks from market professionals”. Westside Law Firm partner Yegor Kravchenko and associate Yevgeny Zubkov took part in the seminar with the report: “Mitigating potential legal risks at signing of foreign trade contracts”.

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Managing partner of Westside Law Firm Sergey Vodolagin participated in the conference of The Law Firm Network (LFN)

On November 2-3 in Shanghai took place the reginal conference of The Law Firm Network (LFN). Managing partner of Westside Law Firm Sergey Vodolagin participated in the conference. The conference was hosted by MHP Law Firm.

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Westside Law Firm in IFLR1000 ratings

International rankings of legal and financial firms IFLR1000 is issued annually. This year Westside Law Firm was ranked in M&A and Restructuring and Insolvency nominations.

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Challenging the US sanctions: Sergey Vodolagin quoted by “Kommersant” newspaper

The intentions of Renova Group owner Viktor Vekselberg to challenge the sanctions of the USA were commented by managing partner of Westside Law Firm Sergey Vodolagin: “The perspectives of challenging of the US sanctions in administrative and in court procedures seems disputable, since decisions in such sanctions are taken at political level.

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Westside law firm protected interests of a major American law firm in connection with the violation of exclusive rights of the latter

A major American law firm approached colleagues from Westside law firm in connection with the violation of the firm’s rights on the territory of the Russian Federation. 

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