

S. Vodolagin made a report at the scientific round table "End-to-end Legal Institutions", which took place in the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

On March 19, 2018 a round table on the topic "End-to-end legal institutions" was held in Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The conference was attended by prominent representatives of the legal science: d.j.s. professor V.I.Lafitskiy, d.j.s. professor N.G.Semelyutina, d.j.s. professor N.G. Doronina.

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The Supreme Court explained the procedure for filing claims in electronic form, Sergei Vodolagin quoted by

Starting from January 1, 2017, statements of claim can be filled in electronic format to the federal courts of general jurisdiction. One needs to fill in a special form posted on the portal of National Automated system “Pravosudiye”. It contains such fields as date and place of birth of the person submitting the documents, his Individual Tax-payer Number, information about his registration as Individual Entrepreneur, as well as full name, Individual Tax-payer Number and PSRN (Primary State Registration Number) of the entity. If these fields are left blank, the documents will not be submitted.

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Westside lawyers successfully defended the interests of “LG Electronics RUS” LLC in a dispute with a counterparty under an international supply contract

Westside lawyers successfully defended the interests of “LG Electronics RUS” LLC in a dispute with a counterparty under an international supply contract
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Sergey Lavrov discussed the construction of the Nord Stream-2 with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Sergey Vodolagin quoted by “Kommersant” edition

Denmark, which passed a law in November that prohibits the construction of the Nord Stream-2 based on its national security, should consider Russia's application for laying pipes according to old standards,- the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation sais.

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Central Bank wants to get veto right for changing of controlling shareholder. Natalia Vodolagina quoted by “Vedomosti” business edition

The Central Bank wants to get veto right for changing of controlling shareholder in a financial institution of system significance. Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Sergei Shvetsov announced. The regulator set goal to initiate the adoption of such bill, he said.

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The Central Bank of the Russian Federation expanded the list of insider information – Sergey Vodolagin quoted by RBK business edition

On January 16 the Central Bank of the Russian Federation published a direction, significantly expanding the list of information regarded as insider information.

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