

The major Crimean bank has been deprived of the American software: Sergey Vodolagin quoted by the “Vedomosti” business edition

The global company “Finastra” – the owner of a SWIFT software – has informed its Russian distributor “Finnet” that it is going to stop cooperation with the Russian National Commercial Bank (RNCB), the major bank of the Crimea. The above decision has been taken amid tightening of the American sanctions.

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Siemens turbine engines in the Crimea: Sergey Vodolagin quoted by “Vedomosti” business edition

A claim regarding unlawful removal of turbine engines to the Crimea was filed by Siemens to the Arbitration court of the city of Moscow on July 11. According to Siemens, the reason for the above claim was removal to the Crimea of two of the four engines produced for the purposes of a thermal power plant construction in Taman by LLC “Siemens turbine engines technologies”, a joint venture of Siemens and “Power Machines”. Such removal was made “against the will” of Siemens. Such supply violates the sanctions, introduced by the EU against Russia in 2014.

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Release of the cross-border contract guide prepared by LFN and Westside Law Firm

Release of the cross-border contract guide prepared by LFN and Westside Law Firm
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The annual conference of The Law Firm Network” in Moscow

The annual conference of The Law Firm Network” in Moscow
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Ukraine has arrested the property of Gazprom: Sergey Vodolagin quoted by “” edition

Gazprom received a notification on the arrest of its shares in Gaztranzit in Ukraine. The said property has been arrested within the proceedings regarding the breach of Ukrainian antitrust legislation by Gazprom.

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Notarial deposit: Sergey Vodolagin quoted by

On May 30, 2017 the data portal published the Article “Notarial deposit: problem solving technique, which you have forgotten”. The lawyers asked by the authors of the article reminded why (and when) it is worth using the notarial deposit and what are its advantages.

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